The style of Infante / Infanta de España

This note describes the style of Infante or Infanta de España and provides the relevant legislative documents.

See also:


Infantes de nacimiento

Originally (in the Middle Ages) the style of Infante was reserved for the sons and daughters of the king.  It was similar to the contemporary style of "filius regis" in France and elsewhere.  In the Partidas of Castile (Partida II, Titulo VII, Ley I) it is stated: "Infantes llaman en España a los hijos de los Reyes."  As late as 1765, this was the only legal text relative to the style of Infante de España (Informe of the Real Academia de la Historia, 16 Aug 1765; cited in Laureano López Rodó, Memorias, vol. 3, pp. 620-1).  This was later extended to include children of the heir apparent as well (Informe del Consejo Real, 27 Oct 1823: "No hay Ley ninguna ni tampoco costumbre en estos Reinos, que hubiere declarado pertenecer la Dignidad, el nombre o título de Infante a otro alguno que no fuero hijo legitimo de los Reyes o del Príncipe heredero").  To this day, sons and daughters of the sovereign of Spain and his heir apparent are the only Infantes by birth (Infantes de nacimiento).

Infantes de gracia

Starting in the 18th century (although perhaps before), kings and queens have granted the title of Infante by royal decree.  This second category of Infante, as recognized by the decree of 29 May 1922, art. 1, is that of Infante de gracia o por concesión Real.  Although the texts of the decrees do not seem to make any finer distinction, one can nevertheless classify these grants in a few categories.

1. Grandchildren of sovereigns

Various texts (see the decrees of 30 Nov 1795, 28 Nov 1823, 10 Aug 1851) refer to a desire by Carlos III, stated in turn by Carlos IV, Fernando VII and Isabel II, that grandchildren of kings should be styled Infantes.  This was perhaps in imitation of the rank of "petit-fils de France" devised at the court of France in the 1620s for the daughter of Louis XIII's only brother and heir presumptive at the time.

This style never became automatic, but was granted by decree.  This was done in either of two ways:

It is not clear why mass-infantization was abandoned between 1823 and the 1840s.

Not surprisingly, grandchildren of Spanish sovereigns who dynasts of other houses or not dynasts of Spain never receive any such title.

2. Infantes by marriage

Male spouses of born-Infantas were often, but not always, made Infantes by decree.  Here is the list from 1795 to 1931. All other male spouses of Spanish Infantas were either:

3. Special Cases

There are two special cases.

Sebastian de Borbón

Sebastian de Borbon was granted the style of Infante in 1824 (formula: "conceder los honores y tratamiento de Infante de España").  He was stripped of his titles and status as dynast in 1837, but was restored to the style of Infante in 1859, not long before his marriage to Cristina de Borbón on 19 Nov 1860.

He was the only child of  Pedro-Carlos, infante by decree of 1785 as grandson of king, and grandson of Gabriel, born-Infante.  Sebastian's case may be explained by the existence of a cedula of 18 Feb 1786, instituting a Mayorazgo Infantazgo de secundo genitura de la Casa Real de Espana for Gabriel and his successors (cited in the decree of 8 Apr 1824).

Three of his five sons were made dukes (of Marchena, Durcal, Ansola) but none was Infante (the eldest married unequally in 1886).

The Dukes of Parma

Fernando or Ferdinando I of Parma (1751-1802) was the son of the second Bourbon duke of Parma Felipe or Filippo I (1720-65), himself son of Felipe V.  He was made Infante in 1765, at the time of his accession, as a grandson of king.  His eldest son and heir Luis or Lodovico I (1773-1803) happened to marry Maria Luisa (1782-1824), daughter of Cárlos IV of Spain and was thus made Infante as spouse at the time of their marriage on 25 Aug 1795. Also, his children were made Infantes as grandchildren of a king, so Cárlos Luis or Carlo II Lodovico (1799-1883) was Infante as well.  We then come to the latter's son and successor (in 1848) Fernando Cárlos or Carlo III (1823-54) who was made Infante in 1852 with no precise motivation stated in the decree. He was murdered two years later and his son and successor Roberto I (1848-1907) was immediately made Infante.  Roberto was dethroned in 1860.  One of Roberto's sons Elías (1880-1959, titular duke in 1950) had his Spanish nationality recognized, and received the style of Royal Highness and title of Príncipe de la Casa de Borbón, on 18 Aug 1920.

4. Infantes or Non-Infantes?

Two decrees pose a rather curious problem, those of 1908 and 1912. The texts of the decrees are virtually identical, and depart markedly from the formulas which had become uniform since the 1820s.  Instead of saying "vengo en concederle {las prerogativas | los honores y prerogativas} de Infante de España y mando, por lo tanto, que se le guarden las preeminencias, honores y demás distinciones correspondientes á tan alta gerarquia", which was the norm for all other types of Infantes de gracia (grandchildren, spouses, special cases), the text specifies that, to the children of a certain marriage "se dará tratamiento de Alteza Real y se tributarán y guardarán iguales honores, preeminencias y distinciones que á los Infantes de España".  It cannot be argued that this represents a change in the standard formula for Infantes de gracia, since other decrees of 1909, 1911 and 1912 revert to the traditional formula.   It is also notable that the children of both marriages do not fall into any of the previous categories: the 1908 decree concerns the children by a second marriage of the Infante by grace (as spouse) Don Carlos de Borbón, while the decree of 1912 concerns the children of another Infante by grace (as grandchild) Don Alfonso de Orleáns.  These were the first times since Sebastian's 1859 marriage that the children of a male Infante by grace resided in Spain and needed some kind of rank, short of giving them a title (note that, in the case of the children of Sebastian, three out of five sons were made dukes).

Were these Infantes or not?  There is a puzzle, because the "actas de nacimiento y presentación" for these children are inconsistent.  Here are their styles in those acts of birth:

Decrees Concerning the Style of Infante de España, 1765-1920

This list comes from the Colección Legislativa, 1815-1920.  I have looked through the indices, so I cannot guarantee that I have not missed some decrees.  Presently the years 1898-1967 can be searched online. Texts between brackets are not from the original, but as quoted in another decree.

The 1987 Decree

Source: Guia Official.

Real Decreto 1368/1987, de 6 de noviembre, sobre régimen de títulos, tratamientos y honores de la Familia Real y de los Regentes ("BOE" núm. 271 de 12 de noviembre de 1987).

A propuesta del Ministro de Justicia, previa deliberación del Consejo de Ministros en su reunión del día 6 (le noviembre de 1987.



De la Real Familia

Artículo 1.

  1. El titular de la Corona se denorninará Rey o Reina de España y podrá utilizar los demás títulos que correspondan a la Corona, así como las otras dignidades nobiliarias que pertenezcan a la Casa Real. Recibirá el tratamiento de Majestad.
  2. La consorte del Rey de España, mientras lo sea o permanezca viuda, recibirá la denominación de Reina y el tratamiento de Majestad, así como los honores correspondientes a su Dignidad que se establezcan en el ordenamiento jurídico.
  3. Al consorte de la Reina de España, mientras lo sea o permanezca viudo, corresponderá la Dignidad de Príncipe. Recibirá el tratamiento de Alteza Real y los honores correspondientes a su Dignidad que se establezcan en el ordenamiento jurídico.
Art. 2.  El heredero de la Corona tendrá desde su nacimiento o desde que se produzca el hecho que origine el llamamiento la Dignidad de Príncipe o Princesa de Asturias, así como los demás títulos vinculados tradicionalmente al Sucesor de la Corona y los honores que como tal le correspondan. Recibirá el tratamiento de Alteza Real. De igual Dignidad y tratamiento participará consorte, recibiendo los honores que se establezcan en el ordenamiento jurídico.

Art. 3.

  1. Los hijos del Rey que no tengan la condición de Príncipe o Princesa de Asturias y los hijos de este Príncipe o Princesa serán Infantes de España y recibirán el tratamiento de Alteza Real. Sus consortes, mientras lo sean o permanezcan viudos, tendrán el tratamiento y honores que el Rey, por vía de gracia, les conceda en uso de la facultad que le atribuye el apartado f) del artículo 62 de la Constitución.
  2. Asimismo, el Rey podrá agraciar con la Dignidad de infante y el tratamiento de Alteza a aquellas personas a las que juzgue dignas de esta merced por la concurrencia de circunstancias excepcionales.
  3. Fuera de lo previsto en el presente artículo y en el anterior, y a excepción de lo previsto en el artículo 5 para los miembros de la Regencia, ninguna persona podrá:
    1. Titularse Príncipe o Princesa de Asturias ti ostentar cualquier otro de los títulos tradicionalmente vinculados al Sucesor de la Corona de España.
    2. Titularse Infante de España.
    3. Recibir los tratamientos y honores que corresponden a las dignidades de las precedentes letras a) y b).
Art. 4. Los hijos de los Infantes de España tendrán la consideración de Grandes de España, sin que ello dé origen a un tratamiento especial distinto del de Excelencia.


De la Regencia

Art. 5. Quienes ejerzan la Regencia tendrán el tratamiento de Alteza e iguales honores que los establecidos para el Príncipe de Asturias, a no ser que les correspondan otros de mayor rango.


De los títulos de la Casa Real

Art. 6. El uso de títulos de nobleza, pertenecientes a la Casa Real, solamente podrá ser autorizado por el Titular de la Corona a los miembros de Su Familia. La atribución del uso de dichos títulos tendrán carácter graciable, personal y vitalicio.



  1. Don Juan Carlos de Borbón y Battemberg, padre de Su Majestad el Rey, Don Juan Carlos I de Borbón, continuará vitaliciarnente en el uso del título de Conde de Barcelona, con tratamiento de Alteza Real y honores análogos a los que corresponden al Príncipe de Asturias.
  2. Igual título y tratamiento recibirá la madre de Su Majestad el Rey, Don Juan Carlos I de Borbón, Doña María de las Mercedes de Borbón y Orleáns.
Segunda.—Las hermanas de Su Majestad el Rey Don Juan Carlos I de Borbón, serán Infantas de España y conservarán el derecho al uso del tratamiento de Alteza Real vitaliciamente, pero no sus consortes ni hijos.

Tercera.—Los miembros de la familia del Rey Don Juan Carlos I de Borbón, que en la actualidad tuviesen reconocido el uso de un título de la Casa Real y el tratamiento de Alteza Real, podrán conservarlo con carácter vitalicio, pero no sus consortes ni descendientes


Quedan derogadas las disposiciones del mismo o inferior rango que se opongan a lo previsto en el presente Real Decreto.

Dado en Madrid a 6 de noviembre de 1987.


El Ministro de Justicia.
Fernando Ledesma Bartret

Translation by Mark Anthony Rodriguez (<>). Parenthetical interdictions are not found in the Spanish text.

                    Hidalguia No. 205 (1987)

Royal Decree 1368/1987, of 6 November, regarding the regulation
of Titles, Styles and Honors of the Royal Family and of the

On motion of the Minister of Justice, after deliberation of the
Counsel of Ministers at their meeting of 6 November 1987. 


     Chapter One:  On The Royal Family

Article 1:

1.   The Crowned head is known as the King or Queen of Spain and
     may use other titles appertaining to the Crown, including
     those other noble dignities pertaining to the Royal House. 
     He is styled Majesty.  

2.   The consort of the King of Spain, during his lifetime and
     while she remains widowed, is entitled Queen and bears the
     style Majesty, and bears all honors corresponding to her
     dignity (position) as established by juridical ordinances.  

3.   The consort of the Queen (Regnant) of Spain, during her
     lifetime and while he remains a widower, is given the
     dignity of Prince.  He is entitled to the style of Royal
     Highness and bears those honors corresponding to his dignity
     as established by juridical ordinances.

Article 2:

The heir to the throne, from the time of his birth or the event
conferring this position upon him, shall hold the title of Prince
or Princess of Asturias, as well as the other titles
traditionally held by the heir to the throne and all honors
corresponding thereto.  He is styled Royal Highness.  Of equal
dignity and style is his consort, who also hold all honors as
established by juridical ordinances.

Article 3:

1.   Those children of the King other than the Prince or Princess
     of Asturias and the children of said Prince or Princess, are
     Infantes of Spain and receive the style of Royal Highness. 
     Their consorts, during their spouse's lifetime or their own
     widowhood, shall bear the styles and honors that the King,
     through his grace, bequeaths to them in accordance with part
     (f) of article 62 of the Constitution.  (Article 62(f)
     reads: "It is incumbent upon the King] to issue the decrees
     agreed upon by the Council of Ministers, to confer civil and
     military employments and award honours and distinctions in
     conformity with the law.")

2.   Similarly, the King may grant the dignity of Infante and the
     style of Highness to those persons he deems worthy and in
     exceptional circumstances.

3.   By statute as provided by this Article and the preceding
     one, and with the exception provided for in Article 5
     regarding members of the Regency, no person shall:

          (a)  use the title of Prince or Princess of Asturias or
          those other titles traditionally held by the heir to
          the Spanish throne.  (The traditional titles include
          Prince of Asturias, Prince of Gerona, and Prince of
          Viana which are the titles born by the heirs to the
          thrones of Castile, Aragon, and Navarre, respectively -
          - see The Royal Household brochure.) 

          (b)  use the title of Infante of Spain.

          (c)  receive the styles and honors corresponding to the
          dignities of the preceding letters (a) and (b).

     Chapter Two:  On The Regency

Article 5:

Whoever holds the Regency shall have the style of Highness and
shall bear honors equal to those of the Prince of Asturias, unless
he is entitled to those corresponding to a higher rank.

Article 6:

The use of titles of nobility belonging to the Royal House can
only be authorized by the Crowned Head for use by members of his
family.  The granting of the right to such titles is personal to
the grantee and is for life (non-hereditary).

                     Temporary Dispositions


Don Juan de Borbon y Battenberg, father of His Majesty the King,
Don Juan Carlos I de Borbon, shall continue to use for life the
title of Count of Barcelona, the style of Royal Highness, and
honors (precedence) similar to those corresponding to the Prince
of Asturias.
So to those same titles and style are held by the mother of His
Majesty the King, Don Juan Carlos I de Borbon, Dona Maria de las
Mercedes de Borbon y Orleans.


The sisters of His Majesty the King, Don Juan Carlos I de Borbon,
continue to be Infantas of Spain, and maintain the right to use
the style of Royal Highness for life, but not their consorts or


The members of the family of King Don Juan Carlos I de Borbon,
who have been actually recognized as using a title of the Royal
House and the style of Royal Highness, shall keeps said titles
and styles for life, but said titles and styles are not shared by
their consorts or descendants.  

                      Repealing Disposition

Herewith repealed are all decrees of similar or inferior rank
which run contrary to that provided in the Royal Decree.

Given in Madrid the 6th of November 1987.


The Treaty between Spain and the United Kingdom concerning the marriage of Alfonso XIII (1906)

Source: for the English text, the Times of London, May 31, 1906, page 5F (citing the Foreign Office Treaty Series no. 6, Cd. 2923). For the Spanish text, the Real Academia Matritense de Herádica y Genealogía (citing the Gaceta de Madrid, May 30, 1906, num. 150, tomo II p. 829). According to the latter source, the ratifications were exchanged on May 23 in London. Note that, following diplomatic usage, the king of Spain is named before the king of the United Kingdom (and his representative signs first) in the Spanish text, and conversely in the English text.

Be it known unto all men by these Presents that whereas His Catholic Majesty Alfonso XIII, King of Spain, has judged it proper to announce his intention of contracting a marriage with Her Royal Highness Princess Victoria Eugénie Julia Ena, niece of His Majesty Edward VII., King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, and daughter of Her Royal Highness the Princess Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodore (Princess Henry of Battenberg), in order, therefore, to treat upon, conclude, and confirm the Articles of the Treaty of the said marriage, His Britannic Majesty on the one part, and His Catholic Majesty on the other part, have named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:
Sepan todos por la presente que por cuanto Su Majestad Católica DON ALFONSO XIII, REY de España, ha juzgado conveniente anunciar su propósito de contraer matrimonio con Su Alteza Real la Princesa Victoria Eugenia Julia Ena, sobrina de Su Majestad Eduardo VII, Rey del Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña e Irlanda y de los Dominios Británicos allende los mares, Emperador de la India, e hija de Su Alteza Real la Princesa Beatriz María Victoria Feodora (Princesa Enrique de Battenberg); por tanto, con objeto de negociar, aprobar y confirmar los Artículos del Tratado de dicho matrimonio, Su Majestad Católica, por una parte, y Su Majestad Británica, por la otra, han nombrado sus Plenipotenciarios, a saber:
His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, the Right Honourable Sir Edward Grey, a baronet of the United Kingdom, a Member of Parliament, His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs;
And His Majesty the King of Spain, His Excellency Señor Don Luis Polo de Bernabe, His Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at the Court of His Britannic Majesty;
Su Majestad el REY de España, al Excmo. Sr. D. Luis Polo de Bernabé, Su Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario cerca de Su Majestad Británica;
Y Su Majestad el Rey del Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña e Irlanda y de los Dominios Británicos allende los mares, Emperador de la India, al Muy Honorable Sir Eduardo Grey, Baronet del Reino Unido, Miembro del Parlamento, Primer Secretario de Estado de Su Majestad para los Negocios Extranjeros;
Who, after having communicated to each other their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles: Los cuales, después de haberse comunicado mutuamente sus plenos poderes, que fueron hallados en buena y debida forma, han acordado y convenido los siguientes artículos:
It is concluded and agreed that the marriage between His said Majesty King Alfonso XIII. And Her said Royal Highness the Princess Victoria Eugénie Julia Ena shall be solemnized in person at Madrid as soon as the same may conveniently be done.
Se conviene y acuerda que el matrimonio entre Su Majestad el REY DON ALFONSO XIII y Su Alteza Real la Princesa Victoria Eugenia Julia Ena se celebrará en persona, en Madrid, tan pronto como sea posible.
His said Majesty King Alfonso XIII. engages to secure to Her said Royal Highness the Princess Victoria Eugénie Julia Ena from the date of her marriage with His Majesty, and for the whole period of the marriage, an annual grant of 450,000 pesetas. His said Majesty King Alfonso XIII. also engages, if, by the will of Divine Providence, the said Princess Victoria Eugénie Julia Ena should become his widow, to secure to her, from the date of his death, an annual grant of 250,000 pesetas, unless and until she contracts a second marriage, both these grants having already been voted by the Cortes. The private settlements to be made on either side in regard to the said marriage will be agreed upon and expressed in a separate Contract, which shall, however, be deemed to form an integral part of the present Treaty, and the High Contracting Parties hereby mutually engage themselves to be bound by its terms.
Su referida Majestad el REY DON ALFONSO XIII se compromete a asegurar a Su referida Alteza Real la Princesa Victoria Eugenia Julia Ena desde la fecha de su matrimonio con Su Majestad y durante todo el período de dicho matrimonio una asignación anual de 450.000 pesetas. Su referida Majestad el REY DON ALFONSO XIII se compromete también si, por voluntad de la Divina Providencia, la referida Princesa Victoria Eugenia Julia Ena quedase viuda, a asegurarle desde la fecha de su muerte una asignación anual de 250.000 pesetas, a menos que y hasta que contraiga un segundo matrimonio, habiendo sido ya votadas por las Cortes ambas asignaciones. Las condiciones privadas o capitulaciones que se propongan por cada una de las Partes con respecto al referido matrimonio se convendrán y expresarán en un contrato separado que, sin embargo, se considerará como formando parte integrante del presente Tratado, y las Altas Partes Contratantes se comprometen mutuamente por la presente a someterse a sus términos.
The High Contracting Parties take note of the fact that Her Royal Highness the Princess Victoria Eugénie Julia Ena, according to the due tenor of the law of England, forfeits for ever all hereditary rights of succession to the Crown and Government of Great Britain and Ireland and to the Dominions thereunto belonging or any part of the same.
Las Altas Partes Contratantes toman nota del hecho de que Su Alteza Real la Princesa Victoria Eugenia Julia Ena, conforme al tenor de la ley inglesa, pierde para siempre todos los derechos hereditarios de sucesión a la Corona y Gobierno de la Gran Bretaña e Irlanda y a los dominios de ella o a cualquier parte de los mismos.
The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at London as soon as possible.
ARTÍCULO IV El presente Tratado se ratificará, y las ratificaciones se canjearán en Londres tan pronto como sea posible.
In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seal of their arms.

Done in duplicate at London, the 7th of May, in the Year of Our Lord 1906.



En testimonio de lo cual los Plenipotenciarios respectivo lo han firmado y puesto en él el sello de sus armas.

Hecho por duplicado en Londres a 7 de Mayo del año de Nuestro Señor 1906.


Firmado.- L. S.- EDWARD GREY.

Order of Precedence at the marriage of Alfonso XIII

This is the order in which the members of the two families were listed, with their styles. The identifications are mine.

(Source:  inscripción en el Registro del Estado civil de la Familia Real del matrimonio de los Reyes de España SS.MM. Don Alfonso XIII y Doña Victoria Eugenia, 31 May 1906; in Colección Legislativa, 1906)