Arms of the Papacy
A number of distinctions need to be made:
- the Pope, as an individual invested with a certain function.
- The Papacy, or the Holy See, that is, the institution which stands
at the head of the Catholic Church.
- The Church, as a body.
- The Papal States, as a political entity, now consisting of the City
State of the Vatican.
As an individual, the Pope usually has his own arms, either family arms
or arms assumed at some point in his career. Since the Church uses heraldry
abundantly, it is certain that anyone reaching the rank of bishop has
arms already. Popes have had arms since the 14th c. at least. Boniface VIII
(1294-1303) is the first pope for which we have contemporary evidence of his
bearing arms; most 13th century popes had arms, but as they did not use
tiaras or keys, it is difficult to attribute shields to them. Until 2005, a pope's
arms were surmounted by the keys of St. Peter in saltire and above them a
tiara with three crowns. This form dates back the the mid-14th century.
See for example
Benedetto Buglioni (1461-1521) : Wreath, with coat of arms of Pope Innocent
VIII (1484-92) (48K) from the
Musei Vaticani exhibit of the Christus
Rex et Redemptor Mundi site. Notice the conical shape of the tiara,
which is typical of medieval papal arms.
Elected in 2005, Benedict XVI has made important changes to the
external ornaments of the pope's arms. The tiara has been
replaced with a mitre decorated with three horizontal stripes and one
vertical stripe. Moreover, the arms are now surrounded by the
pallium, a white band of woollen cloth decorated with crosses patty
gules, which is the distinguishing marks of archbishops.
Arms of Benedict XVI
The arms are a little awkward to blazon in
English. In French, I would say "de gueules à la coquille d'or,
chapé ployé d'or, chargé à dextre d'une tête
de Maure au naturel couronnée et colletée de gueules, et à
senestre d'un ours au naturel lampassé de gueules et portant un fardeau de gueules
lié de sable".
Here is a picture of the arms seen from space (in the Vatican gardens).
The elements already appeared in his arms as archbishop of
that see (1977-82) and then as cardinal in Rome (except the escallop
was counterchanged on a field per fess wavy). The crowned Moor's
head is known in the arms of the bishops of Freising since 1316, and
was used after the secularization of Freising in 1803 by the
archbishops of Munich.
The backpacking bear, the so-called bear of Corbinian, recalls a legend
associated with this bishop who preached in Bavaria in the 8th c.
On a trip to Rome, the saint stopped somewhere in Tirol, and while no
one was guarding the animals a bear killed his mule; so the bishop told
one of his servants to take a whip, scold the bear and put the mule's
burden on the bear's back, which he did. Once arrived in Rome,
the bishop let the bear go free. In the legend, the bear
symbolizes the domestication of the heathens by Christianity.
The escallop is associated with the medieval pilgrims who walked to the
tomb of the Apostle James in Spain, and also appears in the arms of the
Schottenkloster (convent of the Scots) in Regensburg which is now the
diocesan seminary; Joseph Ratzinger taught in Regensburg from 1969 to
In an autobiographical work published in 1977, the present pope
explained the meaning of these charges for him. The Moor's head
represents the universality of the Church, accepting all without
distinction of race or class. The escallop denotes the pilgrim,
but also recalls a story about St. Augustine pondering the mystery of
the Trinity as he walked along a beach, and coming upon a child who was
playing with a shell and trying to fill a hole with the ocean's
water. And when he told the child that what he was doing
was pointless, the child told him: no more than you trying to
understand the Trinity. The pope has a particular attachment to
St. Augustine, on whom he wrote his dissertation in 1953. The
earlier version of the arms appealed more explicitly to the Augustinian
seaside encounter. As for the bear, the pope identifies with the
Bavarian animal who became a beast of burden against himself, and still
labors in Rome under the burden, not knowing when he will be free to go
Here is the story of the bear, from the Acta Sanctorum (s.v. 8 Sep, Corbinianus):
In ipso autem itinere Romano pergendo, cum in
Breones pervenit, juxta silvam quandam in castris manebat. Sed dum
custodes equorum incaute obdormierunt, ita ut nullus vigilaret, ursus e
silva egrediens sagmarium m Viri Dei excerpens comedit. Mane autem
facto, dum expergiscebant custodes, invenerunt eundem ursum super ipsum
sagmarium jacentem, & comedentem illum. Quod dum Ansericus
prædictus Viri Dei minister agnovit, beato Corbiniano dixit. Hoc
autem Vir Dei patienter serens, dixit eidem Anserico: Tolle flagellum
istum, & vade ad eum, & viriliter illum verbera, & castiga
pro delicto suo, quo nobis nocuit. Quod dum ille agere formidavit,
dixit ei Vir Dei: Vade & noli timere, sed ut dixi tibi fac, ac
postea mitte super eum sellam sagmarionam, & sterne illum, &
illam sagmam super illum impone, & mina cum aliis cavallis in viam
nostram. Ipse vero Ansericus fecit, sicut præceperat ei Vir Dei,
& appositam super se sagmam ipse ursus quasi domesticus equus
eandem sagmam usque ad Romam perduxit, ibique a Viro Dei dimissus abiit
viam suam.
Arms of previous popes
Here are some coats of arms of popes from contemporary monuments:
 Arms of Paul II (1464-71), Viterbo.
 Arms of Gregory XIII (1572-85), he of the calendar: pavement of St. Peter.
 Arms of Urban VIII (1623-44), S. Peter.
 Arms of Innocent X (1644-55) on the Porta Portese.
 Arms of Alexander VII (1655-67) on the Colonnade of Bernini, Saint Peter.
 Arms of Clement XII (1722-40), palazzo della Consulta, Rome.
 Arms of Pius VI
(1775-99), reverse of a 1780 silver scudo.
Courtesy Compagnie Générale
de Bourse.
John Paul II, elected in 1978, bore the following arms.
The arms of the Church have been unvarying since the
16th century. They are:
Gules, two keys in saltire or and argent, interlaced in the rings
or. They are surmounted by a tiara. From those arms were derived
the colors of the Papal troops, red and yellow, and their traditional cockade.
The Holy See, as governing body of the
Church, has the following arms, since the
16th century: Gules, two keys in saltire or and argent, interlaced in the
rings or, beneath a tiara argent, crowned or. The difference is here that
the tiara is a charge, not a timbre.
The arms of the Papal States are:
Gules, on an ombrellino gules and or, two keys in saltire or and argent.
(Galbreath gives a simpler blazon, Gules a pavilion or charged in the
staff with a pair of tied keys in saltire or). These arms appeared
as one quarter of the short-lived Kingdom of Italy (1805-15). They do not
appear to have been adopted by the Citta del Vaticano after the Lateran Treaty
of 1929.
The ombrellino was the emblem of the Pope's temporal powers. This can be seen
from the fact that it is shown behind the arms of the camerlengo (the cardinal
who heads the Apostolic Camera), who automatically becomes responsible for the
Pope's temporal powers when the Pope dies. Coins issued in the Papal
states during interregna invariably show the arms of the camerlengo, with
the cardinal's hat and the ombrellino. The ombrellino was used by the popes
in processions as early as the 12th c. Its shape varied over time, and is
now that of a conical sunshade, with vertical stripes of gules and or, and
an edge where the tinctures are counterchanged. It is carried by a man
standing behind the Pope. Its use as a badge indicating temporal powers
dates to Alexander VI Borgia (1492-1503).
It is also used as the mark of a basilica (major
or minor), and is usually displayed to the right of the altar. The rank of
basilica is an honor bestowed by the Pope on any church he pleases. A few
German abbeys (Reichenau on the lake of Constance, Maria Laach near Koblenz)
use it to emphasize their immediate subjection to the Holy See nullo mediante.
Finally, some families who have given Popes place the ombrellino in
their arms (with the keys on a chief gules, for example) or more
usually as a timbre: Galbreath gives a number of examples, including
the Boncompagni arms with the Basilica on a chief, Barberini, Pamphili,
Chigi, Orsini, or outside the shield: Medici-Ottaiano,
Aldobrandini. In 1854 the Congregazione Araldica Capitolina,
pursuant to a decision by the Pope in 1853, decided on a list of
families of
princely and ducal Roman rank. In that list, the following:
Aldobrandini, Borghese, Altieri, Barberini, Boncompagni
Ludovisi, Caetani, Chigi, Colonna di Paliano, Colonna di Sciarra,
Corsini, Doria Pamphili, Ludovisi Boncompagni, Odescalchi, Orsini,
Ottoboni, Rospigliosi
were distinguished as having given one or more popes, and to those
granted the augmentation of the Basilica (the two keys and ombrellino)
outside the shield.
I do not know for sure what arms were chosen for the Citta del Vaticano in
1929, after the Lateran treaty.
From: esn4616@ACFcluster.NYU.EDU (Elliot Nesterman)
The flag of the Vatican is yellow and white. However it has been so
only since 1808, at which date, Napoleon amalgamated the pontiff's army into
his own and so the Pope, Pius VII, thought that new colors were necessary.
He chose yellow and white. These colors were used for various flags of the
Pontifical State from their approval in 1825 until the State was incorporated
into Italy in 1870. When the state was revived as Vatican City in 1929 the
yellow and white flag was reborn. The modern flag was first officially
hoisted on June 8, 1929. (Keep in mind that the conventions of flag use
differ significantly from armorial conventions regarding the shield proper.)
It is true that the flag is now often shown with the keys and tiara
over the division between yellow and gold. As a result, they are hard
to distinguish, and have been rightly criticized by Bruno Heim. This
flag does not, per se, constitute a violation of the "tincture rule"
in heraldry. Flags are not subject to the same rules, and even Old
Regime France used a semis of fleur-de-lys gold on a field of argent
as the flag for its Navy.
Prior to the modern 19th century flag, there existed something called
the papal banner, which has a very long and
confused history. According to Galbreath, Leo III (pope
from 795 to 816) gave Charlemagne a banner which is represented in a
contemporary mosaic of the Lateran triclinium: "it is a green flag of the
gonfalon type with three tails, with numerous gold dots and with 6 disks
coloured red, black and gold, which doubtless are meant to represent
embroidery." This banner was the vexillum of the Roman militia, not
really the papal banner, and in any event disappears from history until
the mid-11th c., when popes take the habit of giving specially blessed
flags for specific military campaigns; one of which was that of William
the conqueror. Parallel with this flag of the gonfalon type we find the
persistence of the classical signum, a staff tipped by a cross with
a short oblong of red cloth fastened to a transverse bar below. Of
the various banners given out in that period (1044, 1059, three around
1065, 1087, 1098, 1106, 1114) nothing is known except from the tapestry
of Bayeux. In the tapestry, William the Conqueror (to whom we know from
elsewhere that a papal banner was given) is shown with a banner of Argent,
a cross or between four objects (cots? crosslets?) sable.
The cross is mentioned on flags with the second crusade only
(1147-49). A contemporary depiction of the emperor Frederic I as
crusader (1190) shows him with a white shiled bearing a gold cross.
In 1203 Innocent III sends a flag to the tsar of the Bulgars
with a cover-letter; the flag bore a cross and the keys of St. Peter.
This flag reappears in 1316 when the town of Viterbo was allowed
to add the vexillum of the Church to its arms: it is depicted as a
red oblong flag with two tails, with a white cross cantonned by four
upright white keys. By the 16th c., the simpler and more familiar
version of the arms of the Church (keys gold and argent on a field
gules) had won out.
From the late Middle Ages onward, popes have granted titles of nobility.
The titles, which became especially common at the end of the 16th c.,
became known in the early 19th c. as Roman nobility although
they have less to do with Rome than with the Pope.
The titles included prince, duke, count, among others. One particular
title was that of count palatine. It apparently emerged during the
Avignon period, and was defined by the Trento Council as "knight of the
Sacred Palace and of the Court of Laterano and palatine count". The
title was associated with the Order of the Golden Spur.
During the French occupation in the Napoleonic period, Roman titles were
abolished, and they were re-established on July 6, 1816. The Order of
the Golden Spur, which had lost a good deal of its value by being awarded
too easily, was abolished on Oct. 31, 1841 (replace with the Order of
Saint-Sylvester). The title that used to accompany it was shortened to
"Roman count palatine", and further simplified to "count" in 1847.
The pope continued to grant titles even after 1870 and the loss of the
Papal States. By the Lateran Accord of 1929, the Italian government
recognized and confirmed the pope's power to grant titles, and the
titles were considered equivalent to Italian titles. With the abolition
of nobility in the Italian Republic in 1948, the Roman nobility was
once again considered as foreign.
Pius XII granted a few more titles, John XXIII confirmed some but none
have been granted under Paul VI and John-Paul I.
The titles could be for life or hereditary. Typically, it was fairly
easy for the holder of a life title to petition for conversion into
a hereditary title. The titles were usually, but not always transmissible
by male primogeniture only; there were usually, but not always granted
to men.
Are these titles granted by the pope as temporal sovereign or as head
of the Church? I personally incline toward the latter. The facts are
that the pope granted these titles mainly to foreigners, not to his
subjects in the Papal States; moreover, he continued to grant such
titles even between 1870 and 1929, when he had no subjects and
no sovereignty. The acts by which these titles are created are
registered with the Actae Apolosticae Sedis, indicating that they are
acts of the Holy See, that is, the governing body of the Catholic Church,
not the government of Vatican City. Finally, the text of such acts
makes clear that it is the grantor is the pope as spiritual figure;
and the conditions imposed for transmission of nobility, in the case
of hereditary titles, include a clause that the descendants must
be Roman Catholic and must "persevere in their obedience to the apostolic
Holy See." Such conditions have nothing to do with the pope's temporal
sovereignty, and everything with his position as head of the Church.