HO 144/44/86252
Dated 2nd Aug 1879
The Style of « Prince »
her Majesty’s wishes and memo by the Lord Chancellor. [July 1878]
This old paper came to light in
connection with the preparation of the note on HON 9/1/1 [= HO 286/50]
dealing with
the question whether the title Prince of the United Kingdom of GB &
NI connoted sovereignty.
(initials) 30/6
College of Arms, Queen
Victoria Street E.C. 2d August 1879
Dear Hugvett,
Herewith copies of the Lord Chancellor’s memorandum and Sir Henry
Ponsonby’s letter touching the style of Prince.
Yours very truly,
Albert Woods
Carey Hugvett Esq
Windsor Castle, July 19, 1878
Dear Sir Albert
The Lord Chancellor having decided that there is not any limit among
those in succession to the Throne within which the use of the style of
Prince is to be confined, the Queen wishes this opinion to be duly
recorded so as to prevent any further controversy on this subject in
the future.
I enclose a copy of the Lord Chancellor's Memorandum.
yours very truly,
Henry F . Ponsonby.
Memorandum by the Lord Chancellor as to the Title of Prince in the
Royal Family.
1. There is not as far as I know any Law or Statute in this Country as
to the use of the Style of Prince or as to the Precedence to be
attached to it.
2. There is a use of the word more common perhaps formerly than now, in
which it is applied rather as an epithet or description than as a Title
- Thus a Duke is spoken of as "High and mighty Prince".
3. But in England the word has become by custom and the pleasure of the
Sovereign, the appropriate title of those who are of the Blood Royal,
the sons, grandsons and nephews of the Sovereign, and although
occasions have not arisen in modern times for its application to
remoter issue there is not in my opinion any limit among those in
Succession to the Throne within which the use of the style of Prince is
to be confined, until some such limit is imposed by the Will of the
Sovereign as the Fountain of all Honour.
4. All Precedence is at the pleasure of The Queen, except such as by
the consent of Her Majesty's Predecessors has been regulated by
Statute, and the Statute 31 Hen VIII c. ? has regulated the Precedence
of Officers of State and Peers in Parliament and in the Council but
nowhere else.
The Precedence of a Prince therefore cannot be affected by the Statute
of Hen VIII unless he is sitting as a Peer of Parliament or a Member of
the council and then only as to his seat in Parliament or in the
Her Majesty may by Royall Warrant regulate the Precedence of Princes of
the Blood as Her Majesty thinks fit excepting only in the House of
Lords and Council.
July 1878.
stamp :
H.O. registry put up
2 August 1879
Her Majesty’s wishes and memo by
the Lord
Chancellor touching the Style of « Prince ».
Put up for future use.
2 Aug 1879
copy given to Ld Irving at Foreign
Office at
Liddell’s direction . see 85833. 18/8/79
See further commands of the Queen
as to the
style and title of the children of HRH the Princess Louise of Wales
Duchess of
Fife’s children. B8136A.