[As most
readers' browsers will lack the capability of reproducing Polish accents and
Cyrillic fonts, these have been omitted at this time.]
The Kingdom
of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (then including today's Belarus and Ukraine)
formed a political and dynastic union in 1386. A system of heraldic
clans, already in existence in Poland, was extended to Lithuania via the
adoption into as many Polish clans of forty-seven Lithuanian and Ruthenian
noblemen at Horodlo in 1413. The Union of Both Nations was renewed
at Lublin in 1569, and endured until its three-stage partitions at the hands of
Prussia, Austria, and Russia: 1772, 1793, and 1795.
Bibliographies and general
Dudzinski, Alfabet heraldyczny [Heraldic Alphabet], Warsaw, 1997.
— General survey including European heraldry.
Dworzaczek, Genealogia, 1959.
— includes a critical tour d'horizon of the armorial literature of
Poland. The latter was translated by
William F. Hoffman and appeared in the newsletter of the Polish Genealogical
Society of the United States in sections during the early 1990s.
Piotr Dymmel,
Ludzie i Herby w Dawnej Polsce [People
and Arms in the Polish Past], Lublin, 1995.
— An anthology of articles.
Gumowski, Handbuch der Polnischen Heraldik [Handbook of Polish
Heraldry], Graz, 1969.
Hoskins, Polish Genealogy & Heraldry — An Introduction to Research,
Library of Congress, Washington, 1987, reprinted by Hippocrene Books, New York,
— A bibliography based on the LOC collection which lists all major references
and most minor ones.
Jelinska-Marchal, editor, with assistance of Z. Judycki, The Polish Armorial
Polonaise, Bibliotheque Albi Corvi, Chateau-Thierry, France, 1988.
— An excellent handbook containing a very useful bibliography, along with
an introductory essay on the history and characteristic features of Polish
heraldry, précis of basic data on 71 most common coats of arms and armorial
clans, a list of 8520 noble surnames, a list of 5780 surname/clan
identifications, and 500 illustrations of Polish coats of arms reproduced from
Kulikowski, Heraldyka Szlachecka [Noble Heraldry], Warsaw, 1990.
Eugeniusz Malinowski, Heraldyka — To Jest Nauka o Herbach [Heraldry — i.e., the Science of Blasonry], Warsaw,
Hrabia Mieroszowski, Kilka Slow o Heraldyce Polskiej [A Few Notes on
Polish Heraldry], Cracow, 1887, reprinted Lodz, 1983.
J.H. Pinches,
European Nobility and Heraldry — A
Comparative Study of the Titles of Nobility and Their Heraldic Exterior
Ornaments for Each Country, With Historical Notes, Ramsbury, Wiltshire,
Jozef Szymanski, Herbarz Sredniowiecznego Rycerstwa Polskiego [Armorial
of the Medieval Polish Knighthood], Warsaw, 1993.
Szymanski, Herbarz rycerstwa
polskiego z XVI wieku [Armorial of the Polish Knighthood in the 16th
Century], Warsaw, 2001.
Wislocki, editor, with assistance by Ryszard Marciniak and Stanislaw Potocki, Herby
rycerstwo polskiego na zamku w Korniku [Arms of Polish Knights from the
Castle of Kornik], Kornik, 1991.
— Anthology of material from the extensive collection in the library of Kornik
castle covering 71 of the best known Polish coats of arms.
Early international sources
(Rolls of Arms):
Heymowski, La chevalerie du royaume
de Pologne dans les armoriaux occidentaux des XIVe et XV siecle, in Les
Armoriaux Medievaux, Cahiers de Leopard d’Or, 8, Paris, 1997.
Polish coats
of arms are illustrated in eight European manuscript, and one printed, rolls of
arms (in chronological order):
1) Armorial Gelre Holland
Ms. 15652-56 [Brussels,
Bibliotheque Royale Manuscript 156252-56], Leuven, 1992.
— Gelre armorial, compiled by Claes
Heinenzoon, called Gelre, in Guelderland and Holland 1370-1414.
2) Armorial
Bellenville (1377-1378).
Leon Jequier, L’Armorial
Bellenville, Cahiers d’Heraldique V, Paris, 1983.
Adam Heymowski, Herby
polskie w paryskim Armorial Bellenville [Polish Coat of Arms in the
Armorial Bellenville in Paris], Studia Zrodlozawcze [Original Studies], volumes
3) Livre de la
confrerie Saint-Christofe de l’Arlberg Tyrol (late 14th-early 15th
4) Chronique du
concile de Constance Ulrich von
Richental (1414-1418).
5) Armorial de la
Toison d’or (1434-1435).
L. Larchey, Ancien
Armorial Equestre de la Toison d’Or et de l’Europe au 15e siécle [Ancient Armorial of Knights of the Order of the Golden
Fleece and of Europe from the 15th Century], Paris, 1890.
— Facsimile reprint of early 15th century MS in the collection of
the Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal in Paris.
Not seen. “Contains 50 Polish coats of arms, some known to armorialists only
from this source.”
Pinches and Anthony Wood (editors), A European Armorial— An Armorial of the Knights of the Golden
Fleece and 15th Century Europe from a Contemporary Manuscript — With
an Introduction to Polish Heraldry by Bernard J. Klec-Pilewski, London,
— A partial reprint, partially in
color, of the same MS. edited by Larchey in 1890 above, Bibliothèque de
l’Arsenal MS 4790. Actually, some 66 Polish coats of arms are
6) Armorial
Lyncenich (circa 1440).
Heymowski, Herby polskie w
brukselskim Armorial Gymnich, recte Lyncenich [Polish Arms in the Gymnich
Armorial in Brussels, properly called Lyncenich], Studia Zrodlozawcze [Original
Studies], volume 12, 1967
7) Armorial
or codex Bergshammar (circa 1440).
— contains about 80 Polish and Lithuanian coats of arms.
Heymowski, Herby polskie w sztokholmskich Codex Bergshammar [Polish
Coats of Arms in the Codex Bergshammar in Stockholm], Studia Zrodlozawcze
[Original Studies], volume 29, 1985.
8) Armorial
of Conrad Gruenenberg (1483).
9) Chronique
du concile de Constance (incunabula
of 1483).
Early Polish sources
Ambrozy, Arma Regni Poloniae [Coats of Arms of the Kingdom of Poland],
Antwerp, 1562.
Marcin Bielski,
Kronika Polska [Chronicle of Poland], Cracow, 1564.
Jan Dlugosz, Insignorum
Clenodiorum Regis et Regni Polonie Descriptio Feliciter [Armorial Devices
of the Crown and Kingdom of Poland Fully Described], in Marijan Friedberg‘s Klejnoty
Dlugoszowe — Krytyczne opracowali na nowo wydal [Dlugosz’s Arms — A
Critical Examination in a Modern Edition], Rocznik polskiego towarzytwa
heraldycznego [Annual of the Polish Heraldic Association], No. X -1930,
Cracow, 1931.
—The earliest title in the heraldic literature of Poland, composed between 1469
and 1480.
Wijuk Kojalowicz, Herbarz Rycerstwa W.X. Litewskiego tak zwany COMPENDIUM O
Klejnotach albo Herbach ktorych Familie Stanu Rycerskiego W Prowincyach
Wielkiego Xiestwa Litweskiego Zazywaja [An Armorial of the Knighthood of
the Grand Duchy of Lithuania which is called COMPENDIUM, in which the Coats of
Arms or Heraldry of the Noble Families of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania are
Explored], Cracow, 1897.
— Kojalowicz (1609-1677) was, like Niesiecki, a member of the Jesuit order. His
armorial was known to Niesiecki in MS. The Compendium was written in Polish;
the larger Nomenclator in Latin.
Wijuk Kojalowicz, Herby szlachty Wielkiego Ksiestwa Litewskiego zwany
Nomenclator [An Armorial of the Nobility of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
which is called Nomenclator], Cracow, 1905.
— Unfinished, covering the letters A through K, edited by Franciszek
Piekosinski from the Latin MS. titled Nomenclator familiarum et stemmatum M.
Ducatus Lituaniae [Nomenclator, A Collection of Names of the Families and
Clans of the grand Duchy of Lithuania], reprinted Cracow, 1965.
Kromer, De Origine et Rebus Polonorum [On the Origin and History of the
Poles], Cracow, 1555.
Okolski, Orbis Polonus in quo antiqua Sarmatarum gentilitia, pervetvstae
nobilitatis Polonae insignae, vetera & noua indigenatus meritorum praemia
& arma specificantur & relucent [Polish Encyclopedia of the ancient
Sarmatian families, the history of the coats of arms of the nobles of Poland
old and new, their origin as awards for honorable deeds & the arms
themselves specifically described and emblazoned], 3 volumes, Cracow, 1641-45.
Paprocki, Panosza, tj. herby znakomitychfamilii wojewodztwa ruskiego i
podolskiego [Gentility, i.e. an Armorial of the Distiguished Families of
Galicia and Podolia], 1575.
Paprocki, Gniazdo cnoty [The Nest of Virtue], 1578.
Paprocki, Herby rycerstwa polskiego [Coats of Arms of Polish Knights],
Cracow, 1584, reprinted Cracow, 1858, reprinted Warsaw 1982.
W. Potocki, Poczet
herbow [Catalogue of Arms], Cracow, 1696.
Antoni Swach,
Herby Polskie.. [Polish Coats of Arms], Poznan, 1705, reprinted Warsaw
Niesiecki, Korona Polska [The Polish Crown], 4 volumes, Lwow, 1728-1744,
reprinted as Herbarz Polski [Polish Armorial], in enlarged second
edition including Ignacy Krasicki’s Dopiski do Herbarza Niesieckiego
[Additions to Niesiecki’s Armorial], 10 volumes, Leipzig, 1839-1846, reprinted
1979 and 1989.
— Watershed compilation marking the beginning of modern critical scholarship’s
scrutiny of the characteristically panegyric and mythological medieval heraldic
literature of Poland.
Modern, i.e.
post-Niesiecki’s 1728 first volume, armorials:
Boniecki, Poczet rodow w Wielkim Ksiestwie Litweskim w XV i XVI wieku
[Catalogue of Families of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 15th and 16th
Centuries], Warsaw, 1887.
Boniecki, Herbarz polski; wiadomosci historyczno-genealogiczne o rodach
szlacheckich [Polish Armorial: Historical and Genealogical Information on
Noble Families], Warsaw, 16 volumes and supplements, 1899-1914.
Jerzy Seweryn
Dunin-Borkowski, Spis nazwisk szlachty polskiej [A List of the Surnames
of the Polish Nobility], Lwow, 1887, reprinted Warsaw 1997.
—Drawn from a variety of primary sources in addition to the earlier armorial
Chmielowski, Zbior Krotki Herbow Polskich oraz Wslawionych cnota i naukami
Polakow [A Short Collection of Polish Coats of Arms as well as Polish Persons
Renowned for Learning and Virtue], Warsaw, 1763.
Tadeusz Gajl,
Polskie Rody Szlacheckie i Ich Herby [Polish Noble Families and their
Coats of Arms], Bialystock Zascianki, 1999.
Gorzynski and Jerzy Kochanowski, Herby szlachty polskiej [Arms of the
Nobility of Poland], Warsaw, 1992.
Alexandr Jablonowski, Heraldica, To Jest Osada Kleynotow Rycerskich y
Wiadomosc Znakow Herbownych dotad w Polszcze nieobiasniona, Inne do tego
przydatki Rzeczy ciekawych do Domow Szlacheckich nalezacych [Heraldry, i.e. the Blasoning of Knightly
Arms and the Knowledge of the Heraldic Charges Up Until Now Little Understood
in Poland, With an Up to the Present Supplement on Curious Matters Pertaining
to the Noble Families], Lwow, 1742.
Starykon-Kasprzycki, Polska encyklopedja szlachecka [Encyclopedia of
Polish Nobility], 12 volumes, Warsaw, 1935–1938, reprinted Warsaw,1994.
— Controversial author who is widely regarded as unreliable. Nonetheless, the
most comprehensive syntoptical reference encompassing most significant earlier
Andrzej Kuropatnicki, Wiadomoszci o herbach domow szlacheckich w Koronie i
W. X. Litewskim [Information on the Coats of Arms of the Noble Families of
the Polish Crown and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania], Warsaw, 1798.
Nalecz-Malachowski, Zbior nazwisk szlachty z opisem herbow wlasnych familiom
zostaiancym w Krolestwie Polskim i Wielkim Xienstwie Litewskim [A list of
names of the Polish nobility together with the description of their coats of
arms in the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania], Lublin, 1805.
Ignacy Kapica
Milewski, Herbarz — Dopelnienie Niesieckiego [An Armorial Suplement to
Niesiecki], Cracow, 1870, reprinted Warsaw, 1988.
Niesobski, Popularny Herbarz rodzin
i rodow polskich [Popular Armorial of Polish Families and Clans], Tychy,
Pawliszczew, Herbarz Rodzin Szlachechich Krolestwa Polskiego Najwyzej
Zatwierdzony [An Armorial of Noble Families Confirmed in the Kingdom of
Poland Up to the Most Recent Date], two volumes, Warsaw, 1853.
—In both Russian and Polish.
Stupnicki, Herbarz Polski i imionospis zasluzonych Polsce ludzi wszystkich
stanow i czasow; ulozony poradnikiem alfabetycznym na podstawie herbarza
Niesieckiego i manuskryptow [Polish Armorial and list of Polish men of
merit from all social classes and periods; arranged alphabetically following
Niesiecki’s Armorial and manuscripts.], Lwow, 3 vol., 1855-1862, reprinted
London, 1963.
Uruski and A. Kosinski, Rodzina, Herbarz Szlachty Polskiej [The Family:
An Armorial of the Polish Nobility], Warsaw, 14 volumes in 9, 1904-1917,
currently being reprinted in Poznan.
Warszycki, Imion W Herbownych Z Urodzenia Szlachetnego Uroczystosca
Wyrachowanych Summaryusz Dowodnem, Autorow Swiadectwy Wsparty Przez Urodzonego
Waclawa Warszyckiego Ziemianina Leczyckiego Woiwodstwa Do Druku Podany Roku 1782 [Names of
Armigers of Noble Birth Solemnly Rendered and Enumerated Conclusively,
Authoritatively Certified by the Efforts of the Gentleman Waclaw
Warzycki, Landowner of the Palatinate of Leczyc, Given to the Press in the Year
1782], Gdansk, 1782.
Wieladek, Heraldyka; czyli, Opisanie herbow w iakim ktory iest ksztalcie,
oraz familie rodow tey szlacty polskiey i W. X. Litewskiego, z ich herbami
[Heraldry; or, a Description of the Noble Families of poland and the Grand
Duchy of Lithuania and their Coats of Arms], Warsaw, 5 volumes, 1792-1798.
J. K.
Wilczynski, Herbarz starodawnej szlachty polskiej podlug heraldykow polskich
z dopelnieniem do czasow obecnych [Armorial of Ancient Polish Nobility
Drawn from Polish Heraldic Sources with a Supplement on Recent Times], Paris,
— Actually some eighteen articles on as many individual families from
Wiktor Wittyg
and Stanislaw Dziadulewicz, Nieznana szlachta polska i jej herby [The
Unknown Polish Nobility and Their Arms], Cracow, 1908, reprinted Warsaw,1994.
Emilian von
Zernicki-Szeliga, Der Polnische Adel [The Polish Nobility], 2 volumes,
Hamburg, 1900.
— Strong syntoptic source, second only to Kasprzycki, more accessible to most
American readers being in German.
Emilian von
Zernicki-Szeliga, Geschichte des
Polnischen Adels [History of the Polish Nobility], Hamburg, 1905.
Emilian von
Zernicki-Szeliga, Der Polnische
Klein-Adel im 16. Jahrhundert [The Polish Petty Gentry in the 16th
Century], Hamburg, 1907.
Coats of Arms and their
Kostka Teodor Aleksander Chrzanski, Tablice Odmian Herbowych [Collection
of Variant Arms], Warsaw, 1909.
—Valuable colored illustrations. The author served in the Heraldic College of
the Congress Kingdom from 1841 to the time of its dissolution in 1848.
— Available on-line at:
Juliusz Ostrowski,
Ksiega herbowa rodow polskich [Book of Polish Family Arms], Warsaw,
two volumes, but published in parts, 1897-1906, reprinted in one volume Poznan,
— A unique compilation of variations and individual Polish coats of arms.
It was issued in parts over a period of years, and most copies end with the
letter S. A complete copy is rumored to exist in a private American
Individual Heraldic Clans:
Jardetsky, The Ciolek of Poland, Graz, 1992.
Semkowicz, Rod Awdancow w wiekach szrednich [Clan Abdank in the Middle
Ages], Poznan, 1920.
Regional Studies:
Bilinski, Szlachta Ziemi Dobrzynskiej za Ostatnich Jagiellonow - Studium
Historyczno-Heraldyczne [The Nobility of the District of Dobrzyn during the
Last Jagiellonians - An Historical and Heraldic Study], Warsaw, 1932.
Ciechanowicz, Herby rycerskie Wielkiego Ksiestwa Litewskiego [Knightly
Families of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania], 5 volumes, Rzeszow, 2001.
Rimsza, The Heraldry of Lithuania I, Vilnius 1998.
— Lithuanian National, Civic, & Provincial Heraldry.
Herbovnik [The
Armorial of Orsha], Vitebsk, 1900.
— A
printed publication of the official armorial record book for the district of
Jakubowski, editor, Herby
szlacheckie na Slasku — Podreczny herbarz rycerstwa, mieszczanstwa I innych
osob nobilitowanych na terenach rdzennie slaskich do roku 1618 [Arms of the
Nobility of Silesia — An Armorial Handbook of the Knighthood, Townsmen, and
Others Ennobled in the Specific Territory of Silesia in 1618], A-B, Wroclaw,
Jakubowski, Herby szlacheckie na Slasku — Podreczny herbarz rycerstwa,
mieszczanstwa I innych osob nobilitowanych na terenach rdzennie slaskich do roku
1618 [Arms of the Nobility of Silesia — An Armorial Handbook of the
Knighthood, Townsmen, and Others Ennobled in the Specific Territory of Silesia
in 1618], C-G, Wroclaw, 2001.
Kaganiec, Rodowod Herbu Slaskiego
[Genealogy of the Arms of Silesia], Katowice, 1991.
— History of the Silesian crescented eagle.
Kaganiec, Heraldyka Piastow Slaskich — 1146-1707 [Heraldry of Silesian
Piasts — 1146-1707], Katowice, 1992.
Hans Von
Mosch (editor), Schlesisches
Wappenbuch von Crispin und Johann Scharffenberg [Silesian Armorial of Crispin and Johann Scharffenberg], Neustadt
an der Aisch, Germany, 1984.
Piekosinski, Herbarz Szlachty Witebskiej [Armorial of the Nobility of
Vitebsk], Cracow, 1898, reprinted Poznan, 1998.
Tartar Families and Their
Dumin, Herbarz Rodzin Tatarskich Wielkiego Ksiestwa Litewskiego
[Armorial of Tatar Families of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania], Gdansk, 1999.
Dziadulewicz, Herbarz Rodzin Tartarskich w Polsce [Armorial of the Tartar
Families of Poland], Wilno, 1929, reprinted Warsaw, 1986.
Titled Families and Their
Konarski, Armorial de la Polonaise Titrée [Armorial of the Titled Polish
Nobility], Paris, 1958.
Jozef Wolff, Kniaziowie Litwesko-Ruscy — od konca czternastego wieku [The Lithuanian-Ruthenian Princes — From the End of the 14th Century], Warsaw, 1895, reprinted Warsaw 1994.
Mythical Origins:
Cetwinski and Marek Derwich, Herby,
Legendy, Dawne Mity [Coats of Arms, Legends, Ancient Myths], Wroclaw,
Kazanczuk, Staropolskie legendy herbowe [Old Polish Heraldic Legends],
Wroclaw, 1990.
— Compilation of legendary accounts of
the origins of many of the better-known Polish arms, principally quoting Paprocki’s
Gniazdo cnoty, but including such other early sources as Bielski,
Stryjkowski, Potocki, and Niesiecki.
Piechowski, Herby, magia, mity [Coats of Arms, Magic, and Myths], Warsaw, 1995.
Emilian von
Zernicki-Szeliga, Der Polnische Stammwappen, ihre Geschichte und ihre Sagen
[The Polish Clan Arms, their History and Legends], Hamburg, 1904.
Specialized Topics:
Gumowski, Handbuch der Polnischen Siegelkunde [Handbook of Polish Seal
Art], Graz, 1966.
Kneschke, Deutsches Adelslexicon [Dictionary of the German Nobility],
Leipzig, 1859.
Konarski, Szlachta Kalwinska w Polsce [Calvinist Nobility of Poland],
Warsaw, 1936.
Konarski, O heraldyce i "heraldycznym" snobizmie (Wydanie
poprawione, uzupelnione i rozszerzone z aktualnym spisem polskich rodzin
utytulowanych) [Of Heraldry and "Heraldic" Snobbery (Published
Corrections and Additions to, and Subtractions from, the Authentic List of
Polish Titled Families], Paris, 1967, reprinted Warsaw 1992.
Jerzy Lojko, Sredniowieczne Herby Polskie
[Medieval Polish Coats of Arms], Poznan, 1985.
Marcinkowski, Rodziny Zaszczycone Szlachectwem w Krolestwie Polskim
1815—1836 z Podaniem ich Herbow na Podstawie Dziennika Praw [Families
Ennobled in the Kingdom of Poland 1815—1836, with their Traditional Arms, Based
on Current Laws, Warsaw, 1907, reprinted Poznan 1993.
Heraldyczny [Heraldic
Monthly], Journal of the Towartystwo Heraldyczny [Heraldic Association]
originally of Lwow, 18 volumes, published 1908-1939 with publication suspended
Mikucki, Marian Haisig, & Marian Gumowski, Sfragistyka [Sphragistics],
Warsaw, 1960.
Piekosinski, O Dynastycznem Szlachty
Polskiej Pochodzeniu [On the Dynastic Origins of the Polish Nobility],
Cracow, 1888.
Piekosinski, Poczet herbow i
proklamacyji herbowych [List of Coats of Arms and Battle-Cries], Cracow,
Piekosinski, Heraldyka polska wiekow srednich [Polish Heraldry of the
Middle Ages], Cracow, 1899.
Piekosinski, Herbarz Szlachty Polskiej Wiekow Srednich [Armorial of the
Polish Nobility in the Middle Ages], Cracow, 1905.
Piekosinski, Studya, Rozprawy I Materialy z Dziedziny Historyi Polskiej i
Prawa Polskiego — Tom VII — 1. Nieznane zapiski heraldyczne z ksiag
wislickich., 2. Jana Zamoyskiego notaty heraldyczno-sfragistyczne [Studies,
Discussions, and Material Relating to Polish History and Polish Law — Volume
VII — Unknown Heraldic Inscriptions in
the Book of Wislica., 2. Jan Zamoyski’s Notes on Heraldic Sphragistics.],
Cracow, 1907.
Nekanda Trepka, Liber Generationis Plebeanorum [Book of Generations of
Plebians], also known as the Liber Chamorum [Book of the Sons of Ham,
i.e. Bondsmen]. Original: late 1600s, reprinted 1995.
— A 17th century effort to debunk fraudulent claims to nobility and
the right to bear arms.
Szelagowski, Wici i Topory — Studyum Nad Geneza i Znaczenien Godel Polskich
I Zawolan [War Cries and Battleaxes — A Study of the Origins and Meaning of
Polish Emblems and Slogans], Cracow, 1914.
Ulanowski, Materialy do Historyi Prawa I heradyki Polskiej [Materials on the History of Polish Law and
Heraldry], Cracow, 1886.
Polish Heraldry Web sites:
(Functional as of
24 Sept 2002:)
Herbarz Adama Kromera and others
Rycerskie Herby Polakow
of the Polish Nobility [Zwiazek Szlachty Polskiej]
of the Belarussian Nobility [Zhurtavannie Belaruskaj Sliachty]
Ośrodek Dokumentacji Wychodźstwa Polskiego -- Serwis heraldyczno –genealogiczny
-features access to Kazmierz Rymut’s
10 volume Slownik nazwisk
wspolczesnie w Polsce uzywanych [Dictionary of Surnames in Current Use in Poland],
providing a count of contemporary occurences of surnames by
province; and a search engine
identifying coats of arms associated with surnames.
Kostka Teodor Aleksander Chrzanski, Tablice Odmian Herbowych [Collection
of Variant Arms], Warsaw, 1909.
Armorial On-line
as of 18 March 2003:)
Belarussian Heraldy
fur Polnische Adelskunde
(list of arms from the castle of Kornik)
© David
Zincavage, 2003.