Heraldic Tour of Budapest
These pictures were taken in June 2005.
See also arms of Hungarian knights of Malta (Matthias Church, Buda) on a separate page.

1. National arms, from the façade of the Palace of Arts (Mücsarnok).
Pictures 2-27 from the Hungarian National Museum.

2. Badge of the Golden Fleece that belonged to Széchényi
Ferenc (1754-1820, inv. 1808), founder of the Hungarian National Museum.

3, 4, 5. Decorations of Károly Eberhardt (1825-1906) who served
in the Italian Army. The officer's cross of the order of St
Mauritius and St Lazarus is of a rare type, with a wreath instead of a

6. Arms on 18th c. gilt silverware.

7. Arms of Mathias Hunyadi, Györgyi Bodó Miklós,
provost of Székesfehérvar, and unidentified shield.

10. plaster replica of a gateway tympanum, Vajdahunyad castle, 1452-53.

11. Seal of Eztergom, 14th c.

12. Tombstone of Kazai Kakas László (1395).

13. Portrait of Emperor Sigismond (detail showing the arms of the
Empire, Bohemia, Hungary new and ancient, and Luxemburg).

14. Arms of Bathory Miklós, 15th c.

15. Arms of Györgyi Bodó Miklós, provost of Székesfehérvar, 15th c.

16-20. Stalls of king Mátyás and queen Beatrix, church of Szent Egyed, Bártfa (1483)

21. Arms of Matthias Corvin, from a contemporary tapestry.

22. Detail of a 17th c. portrait of count Nicolas Esterházy de Galántha (1584-1645, inv. 1628).

23. Arms of II. Rákóczi Ferenc, 18th c.

24. Seal of Ferenc Rákóczi II. The legend reads:
Franc[iscus] secund[us] Rakoczi D[ei] g[ratia] Transilv[aniae] Princeps
Part[is] Reg[ni] Hung[ariae] Dom[inus] et Sicul[] comes Dux Munkacs[ie]
ac Makovic[sie] dom[inus] perp[etuus] de Saros Patak Tokai Regecz Ecsed Somlyo Lednic Szer[encs] Onod etc
25. Seal of Ferenc Rákóczi. The legend reads:
Franciscus Dei gratia princ[eps] Rakoczi comes de Saaros dux Munkacsie
et Makovicsie Dominus perpetuus de Saros Patak Tokai Regecz Ecsed
Somlio Lednitze Szerencs Onod.

26. Memorial tablet to count Johann Haller von Hallerstein, governor of Transylvania (d. 1755)

27. Arms of Tondó Bakócz Tamás, archbishop of Esztergom (1500-21).

28. Arms on the Karolyi mansion (now the Petöfi Museum of Literature).

29. Arms of Budapest.

30. Arms of Clotilde of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (1846-1927), wife Archduke
Josef Karl Ludwig, Palatine of Hungary, on Kristóf tér,
above a storefront.
The inscription reads (I think): purveyor by appointment to Her
Imperial and Royal Highness Archduchess Clotilde.

31. Arms on the façade of the Százéves étterem, a building from 1755 at Pesti Barnabás u. 2.

32. Arms of the kingdom of Hungary, 1880 (at the foot of the Buda Castle funicular). The motto is Hungarian for "virtuti confido", I trust
in excellence.

33. Arms on a Baroque house, Tárnok utca, Buda.

34. Arms of Matthias Corvin, Matthias Church, Buda.

35. Coat of arms, Sopron.

36. Arms of Johann Jakob count of Löwenburg and his wife
Katalin Thököly on the base of the Trinity Column
(1695-1701), Fö tér, Sopron.

37. Széchényi arms from an 18th c. memorial tablet, church in Sopron.

38. Eszterhazy arms, Eszterhaza palace, Fertö.

39-42: arms of archbishops of Esztergom, from the façade of the
cathedral. The four archbishops successively began (in 1822),
continued, consecrated (in 1856) and completed (in 1869) the cathedral.
Alexander Rudnay Divékújfalusi (1760-1831), archbishop in 1819, cardinal in 1826.
Joszef Kopácsy , archbishop in 1838.
János Scitovszky ((1785-1866), archbishop in 1849, cardinal in 1853.
János Simor (1813-91), archbishop in 1867, cardinal in 1873.